This is a common experience with a quick, easy fix. In almost all cases, the nuts need to be tightened even more.
Although the seat nuts may already seem quite tight, they will need to be even tighter-- as tight as you can get them with a full size wrench. Make sure to tighten the two nuts evenly. This is very important.
One more important detail: the seat clamp must be pushed all the way down onto the seat post. If the clamp is not fully engaged, then the seat will never be secure, regardless of how tight the nuts are. There is a little V-shaped tab at the top of the clamp. Make sure that the seat is pushed all way down so the the top of the seat post contacts this V-shaped tab.
I'd recommend checking that all the parts on your seat are securely fastened. You will need to tighten down both seat nuts on the bottom of the seat as evenly and tightly as possible. If you do not tighten the seat nuts evenly, the seat will angle up and down. It will swivel around. You will notice that when you are tightening everything down correctly, the seat bolts are getting exposed out of the seat nuts evenly.
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