We try our best to offer a color selection that will appeal to the broadest range of customers. And we know that many customers want colors that we do not currently offer. We get it!
We love colors, and we would really love to offer every color that all customers want. We just aren't sure how to do that yet. Without getting too deep into the details, there are a number of factors that we have to consider when choosing the colors that we do, mostly having to do with demand as well as manufacturing and storage constraints.
For instance, we get emails from men who do not want a black bike. We have offered other colors in the past, but it seems that men prefer black to other colors at a ratio of about ten to one, close to that. As already noted, we want to offer other colors, and we're working on getting there.
Can I get a custom color, though?
This is another service that we are trying to make a reality, but have not yet. The current realities of bicycle manufacturing are such that we must paint one large lot of bikes all at one time with one massive batch of paint. Painting just one or a few bikes at a time would make the bike exorbitantly expensive.
Likewise, custom painting a bike is a labor-intensive proposition. I have done this myself, but it was a labor of love, not one that made any financial sense. For anyone who wants to do this, you will need to remove all bicycle components and sand the frame. Then you will need to find an automotive painter who is willing to paint a bike. You may need to buy the paint in a quantity that far exceeds that necessary for the job. When I repainted my frame, I was seventeen and working at a car dealership as a car washer. I bought the paint and the guys in the paint shop were kind enough to help me out.
However, we hear you! If we don't have the color that you want, it's only because we are not yet sure how to offer it at a reasonable price. It's a work in progress.
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